Full Stack Software Developer
For .Net Core and MVC project
• Maintain and Support existing application for internal use.
• Designed and developed API end points for internal application.
• GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests types used.
• Pagination and Order techniques used for some of the API end points.
• Added new or Updated SQL tables, views or stored procedures for application coding needs.
• New Controller, Models and Views added for MVC project.
• SQL Database project added to the application solution.
o Tables, Views and Stored Procedures added
o Post Deployment added for Publish
• Migrated Application Databases to another cloud server.
• Backend project migrated to .Net Core and MVC from ASP.Net project.
• POSTMAN Collections created for API calls to which created for testing the API calls.
• Swagger implemented to the new project.
For Angular and NestJS project
•Nx Workspace used for backend and frontend applications.
o Reusable libraries created for backend and angular
o Such as User, Email Send, Blogs, Subscription and Quote
• Mock Api application created for local use.
• Jest Test and Playwright included to project for e2e and unit tests.
• Angular project has 13 components and 2 modules.
• Each component connects to backed api call with services files.
• Component pages have HTML and custom design styles.
• Development, Local and Production environments created for deployments
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, TypeScript, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL Server, RESTful APIs, ASP.NET Core, Node.js, NestJS, ASP.NET MVC, Angular, xUnit, Selenium WebDriver, Jest, Playwright, Azure DevOps Services, Git, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Agile Methodologies, Software Development